Thursday, September 1, 2016


Where it all began!  At least our writing group that is. Every other week, like clockwork. We meet. We exchange critiques, ideas, encouragements, and suggestions for improvements on each others' writing. I'm getting ready to head out the door soon, but wanted to take a minute to just take a deep breath.

Today is September 1st. This weekend is the last official weekend of summer and bam! just like that it's Fall. Many of the Plot Sisters are teachers or former teachers of some capacity, not to mention mom's of school kids, and Fall always translates to BUSY. There's a challenge into staying balanced in responsibilities, but yet continuing to devout time to develop one's craft. And I'm trying my best to devote time in front of the computer screen or trying to keep a legal bad in front of me to write the ideas that keep beating around in my head. "You have to get 'em down on paper" How many times have we heard that? A lot. And it's true. I've got several irons in the fire and when I can't extend on an idea on one project I have to move on to another project and pound out some words. It wasn't as productive of a summer writing wise as I would've liked, but I can't reflect too long about the past or I'll never move forward. And there's so much in the future that it's not worth giving up to stand still.

Happy Writing!
