"Is being an editor fun?" My youngest, Melina, looked up at me with a quirk to her lips as she asked me that question this morning. She'd been reading a book and had come up to me to comment on the length of the sentences. According to her, the author had used too many short sentences next to one another. Actually, she said the author had several "simple sentences" and that "she could have used more compound sentences" to make the work better.
That idea launched into a conversation about variation in sentence length and how, when I edit something, I look for that variation. "Maybe you should someday consider being a book editor," I told Melina.
I wish someone had uttered that same statement to me when I was nine years old. Even at that time, I wrote almost daily and read as much as I did then as I do now, which is ALL THE TIME. Why didn't anyone notice that passion and help me channel it in the right direction?
I'm not here to lay blame or think of what could have been. Instead, I'd like to remind you that following your passion—your destiny, if you will—is important. Even if you feel as though you're plodding along toward your goal, with no real end in sight, you're making progress one little step at a time. If you want something bad enough and you work hard enough, you can make it happen.
Speaking of making it happen (and following that destiny), our sister, Traci Ison Schafer, is making things happen. Her debut novel, The Anuan Legacy, is set to launch this fall. Find out more about Traci and her book, and consider signing up for her newsletter over at her website, which can be found here.
~Happy Writing!